Step into your power by releasing the things that no longer serve you.

Through Distance Reiki and EFT tapping, I’ll guide you through the natural cycles of release and renewal—letting go of what no longer serves you to make space for growth and expansion. This energy work is an alchemical process that supports you in moving from feeling lost and disconnected to fully liberated and aligned. We’ll clear emotional blocks, restore your energy, and help you step into a more empowered, vibrant version of yourself so you can create a life beyond your wildest dreams.


Reiki will guide you into a state of deep relaxation where energy flows freely, helping you feel more balanced, centered, and calm. You’ll leave with a profound sense of inner peace and renewed vitality.

Feel Grounded & Centered

Release & Let Go

Experience the powerful combination of EFT tapping and affirmations to clear emotional blockages and let go of tension. Feel lighter, more at ease, and emotionally free, as old wounds are gently released.

this is what awaits you: 

Elevate Your Spirit

As your vibration rises, you’ll connect with your higher self and feel a deep sense of clarity and spiritual alignment. You walk away with heightened awareness and a renewed sense of purpose.

i'm ready

EFT Tapping

Release stuck emotions or patterns with a personalized EFT tapping routine tailored to your specific needs. Through focused coaching, we’ll identify your goal and craft a tapping sequence that helps you let go. You’ll leave the 90-minute session feeling lighter, more empowered, and equipped with a routine you can continue to use for ongoing relief and transformation.

let's do it

Reiki + Coaching

This is my standard 60-minute distance reiki session, with an additional 45-minutes of a facilitated coaching session to help you integrate your newfound clarity, aligning your actions with your higher self. You’ll leave feeling not only healed but also empowered with a clear path forward.

book now

Experience healing and transformation no matter where you are in the world. Each 60-minute session begins with a grounding guided meditation to help you uncover hidden gifts. Energy transmits across space and time, dissolving blockages and restoring balance. We close with a tarot card pull to offer divine insight and guidance. You'll leave feeling centered, aligned, and renewed—distance is no barrier for energetic connection. ♡

Distance Reiki Session


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"Our revenue tripled after doing Katie's mastermind for the year. Mind blown!"

hired a dream team


Poke fixie kickstarter fashion axe mixtape brunch. Small batch bushwick master cleanse waistcoat, everyday carry chillwave la croix. Jianbing next level narwhal, messenger bag master cleanse kale chips hell of crucifix succulents cred.

"If you're on the fence, let me just say... you've gotta work with Katie."


scaled her business by 5x

Poke fixie kickstarter fashion axe mixtape brunch. Small batch bushwick master cleanse waistcoat, everyday carry chillwave la croix. Jianbing next level narwhal, messenger bag master cleanse kale chips hell of crucifix succulents cred.

"I went from barely paying my bills to quitting my job and traveling the whole world."

tripled her income


Yes, It Really Works

Surrender to Rise Meditation

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FREE meditation

Awaken & Align: 
5 Days to Clarity and Flow

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5-day challenge

 Top Resources

let's work together

Let’s create a space where deep energy work, Human Design, and coaching come together to guide you back to your true self, so you can go from feeling lost to living liberated.

ready unlock your inner power?