Feeling lost to living liberated.

You’ve been feeling trapped, like something deep inside you is caged. You know there’s more out there for you—a life of freedom, clarity, and purpose—but somehow, you keep getting stuck. Every time you try to move forward, fear and self-doubt pull you back. It’s exhausting, frustrating, and it feels like you’re caught in a cycle you can’t escape, with no energy to move forward.

it's time to go from

It's time to release what's keeping you stuck to unleash the powerful, authentic you, and realign your life with purpose and clarity. Through my unique blend of intuitive coaching, human design, and energy work, we’ll break through those barriers and guide you to rise into a life of freedom, where you’re not just surviving—you’re thriving.

This isn't what life has to feel like. You don’t have to keep struggling in silence, carrying the weight of unfulfilled dreams. You can break the cycle, you just have to be ready to do the deep inner work. 

You don’t need to fit into anyone else’s mold. My coaching isn’t about giving you more to-do lists or surface-level changes—it’s about helping you uncover your true self and empowering you to live life uncaged, liberated, and fully alive.


real talk:

How it Works:
My 4R Framework

We’ll identify and let go of limiting beliefs, patterns, and behaviors that are holding you back, creating space for new growth.


You’ll reconnect with your authentic self, uncovering the true desires, strengths, and passions that have been buried.


Together, we’ll align your life and actions with your true purpose, ensuring that every step you take feels intentional and fulfilling.


You’ll step confidently into a life of freedom, empowerment, and fulfillment, embracing the version of yourself you’ve always known was possible.

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For years, I was broken, tired, overwhelmed, and stuck AF. 

For years, I tried so many things to get unstuck—new jobs, self-help books, entrepreneurship, and even $25K+ mastermind and private coaching containers—but nothing seemed to work.

After hitting rock bottom - anxious, depressed, $30k in business debt, and unable to regulate after a traumatic life experience - I realized that the real problem was I had no f*cking idea who I was anymore and my nervous system was a disaster. My true self had been lost to years of blindly chasing societal norms and "shoulds". I had been searching for BandAids rather than doing the deep work.

Through deep study of human design, energy work, NLP, somatics, and coaching methodologies, I was able to get myself out of freeze state and unstuck. This was the key to designing my dream life and non-traditional career, and finally feeling at peace, every day.

i can help because i've been there

and now, i am ready to help you do the same.

Sound familiar?

Every time you get close to a breakthrough, fear and doubt creep in, making you second-guess everything.

you keep investing from "save me" energy, and nothing is working

You've been buying coaching and books and courses, hoping that this will *finally* be the one that actually delivers on its promises.

you want nothing more than Inner Peace, but instead are Anxious 24/7

Despite your best efforts, inner peace seems elusive. Anxiety and self-doubt are constant, keeping you from feeling at ease.

Self-sabotage and doubt are your constant companions

You're Unable to break free from the hamster wheel of life

You’re stuck in a loop, constantly spinning your wheels but never gaining traction. The harder you try, the more frustrated you feel.

you have a longing for more, but no clear direction

You’ve lost sight of who you are, buried under expectations and a lack of passion. You know this can't be it, but have no idea where to start to shift.

"I am so grateful for Sara's unwavering support and belief in me. She's a fabulous listener, remembers all the details, and will have confidence in you until you develop it yourself."

- taylar j. -

You’ll break free from old patterns and release what’s holding you back and begin to move confidently towards your goals.

How does this sound, instead?

You’ll reconnect with yourself, gaining clear direction on your path. No more guessing—you’ll know exactly where you’re headed. 



what to expect from our work together:

You’ll attract a circle of soulful, supportive women who celebrate your growth and reflect your own powerful transformation


Instead of constantly looking for the next solution, you’ll experience real, lasting change. You will find all the tools within yourself.


Anxiety and self-doubt will be replaced with a calm, centered presence. You’ll cultivate a sense of inner peace that grounds you.


“I didn't think it would be worth it. It was. I didn't think it would work for me. It did. I didn't think I'd be *that* success story. I am.”

emily ..... ???

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next case study →

you're Seeking deep emotional, spiritual, and energetic support & healing for lasting change.

You're ready to step into your power, but need guidance to release fear, doubt, and self-sabotage.

You've tried everything and are still stuck, wondering why nothing is working for you.

you're Ready to do the work to shed limiting beliefs and embrace authentic self-liberation.

you're feeling lost, overwhelmed, and seeking clarity and deeper purpose.

Is This Right For You?

What do coaching containers include?

Together, we’ll explore your goals and challenges, creating a personalized path to help you align with your true purpose and live fully liberated.

life coaching

Through distance Reiki, we’ll clear energetic blocks, bringing you into alignment, peace, and emotional balance.


We’ll use EFT tapping to release fears and anxieties, helping you feel calmer and more empowered.

eft tapping

With tailored journal prompts, you’ll reflect deeply, uncover insights, and process emotions for greater clarity and growth.


My private coaching containers are all bespoke and designed to honor your autonomy and unique path.

Why? Because no one’s healing journey is the same, and I believe your coaching experience should reflect that.

While I offer foundational services, each coaching container is co-created with you to ensure it aligns with your goals, your pace, and what feels right for you. Your healing is about your journey, not a pre-set formula, and I’m here to help you stay in control, guiding you toward growth and transformation on your terms.

These are the foundations included in each container,
as desired:

We’ll tailor everything to your needs—whether it’s the frequency of our sessions, Voxer support between calls, the right amount of Reiki to keep you balanced, or organizational help and task support (I have ADHD, so I know how invaluable this can be for a neurodivergent brain!).

This is all about co-creating a container that feels right for you. I can’t wait to embark on this journey with you.

While plenty of coaches told me I didn't need to get certified, I disagreed. I want to go deep with my clients, and to do that, I needed to learn more. 

  • Certified Quantum Life & Success Coach
  • Certified Quantum Group Coaching Facilitator
  • Certified Hypnosis Practitioner
  • Certified Emotional Freedom Techinques (EFT) Practitioner
  • Certified T.I.M.E. Technique Practitioner
  • Certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner
  • Reiki Level II Practitioner
  • Certified Human Design Reader
  • Now studying: Somatics!

What about the certs?

book a time →

My holistic approach to life coaching is for you if you’re ready to shed the old, rise into your power, and intentionally design a life that feels aligned, purposeful, and liberated. I work with women who are committed to their transformation, seeking guidance in coming home to their authentic selves, and ready to embrace a life of freedom and joy.

If that sounds like you, let’s connect and see if we're the right fit to go on this journey together. If we are, we'll start co-creating from there! 

let's get  to  knoe each other